Kinloch Rannoch, in the heart of Highland Perthshire, is a perfect base for exploring this beautiful part of the world. There are countless routes for walkers and cyclists of all abilities. Fishing permits are available in the local shop and there are excellent tourist opportunities within a radius of 20 miles. Of course you may just choose to come and relax and recharge your batteries.
Links to some local attractions :-
Rannoch Tearoom - rannochstationtearoom.co.uk
The Shed Gallery - rannochshed.co.uk
Kinloch Rannoch Archery - rannocharchery@hotmail.co.uk
Highland Safaris - highlandsafaris.net
Pitlochry Dam visitor centre - pitlochrydam.com
House of Bruar - houseofbruar.com
Dalwhinnie Distillery - malts.com
Scottish Crannog Centre - crannog.co.uk
Dewars Distillery Aberfeldy - dewars.com
Pitlochry Festival Theatre - pitlochryfestivaltheatre.com
Birks Cinema Aberfeldy - birkscinema.co.uk
Aviemore Escape Rooms - https://aviemoreescaperooms.com
Highland Wildlife Park - www.highlandwildlifepark.org.uk